Saturday, January 5, 2013

Lazy Saturday

|Credit: [x]|
Here's the truth. I have been having the hardest time figuring out what to write today in terms of my blog. Today was pretty uneventful -- my uncle and my cousin came over and chatted for a bit over a belated exchange of Christmas gifts. I cleaned half of the house. Dad prepared dinner. I've fought a head cold.

I'm about finished with one of the better books I've picked up. This was on a friend's recommendation. I'm trying to figure out which books I'll read next. I plan on finishing "Taking Up the Runes" by Diana Paxon and a mythology book by Kevin Crossley-Holland. As for fiction, I could begin the next book by Patrick Rothfuss. That, or I could begin another author's work.

I've been writing. Not only blogs, but also poetry in a little notebook that's themed after "The Hobbit," and on occasion pouring over my novel. I finished a whole chapter in one sitting -- hours passed and I barely noticed. Then, I found out I left my notes for the story (a whole composition book) back at school. My heart sunk. But there's always editing to be done, so I'll go on a tangent.

I blogged today. But I won't be sharing the link everywhere as I normally would. I need to find some inspiration -- some aspect of Paganism or witchcraft that I have enough words for. I plead to my readers -- do you have suggestions? What would you want to read about?


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